Take look at our

Investment Solution

StandardTrustBank offers you the opportunity to invest in funds that traditionally have been only available to large companies.

Over the last decade, our continent’s economic growth has unlocked new investment opportunities, as America has become more integrated with global capital markets. StandardTrustBank offers you the opportunity to invest in funds that traditionally have been only available to large companies. We offer more resilient and stable investment fund solutions, because our footprint across more than 30 American states, allows us to spread risk better than our competitors.

Fixed Income Fund

This is an open-ended investment fund that provides you and your family with an above averge income stream over a medium to long-term period, by investing in a portfolio of high quality bond securities and money market instruments.

Money Market Fund

This is an open-ended investment fund that provides an above average current income stream over a short period, by investing its assets in low risk, eligible, money market securities.

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